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New York: 

In a legal environment filled with too many players pretending to be "everything to everyone", we decided to be straightforward. We benefit from a strong professional foundation. This allows us to go upstream in helping our clients avoid any possible mistake that might get them into conflict. And if this is to happen, well, we are ready and capable to get them the best resolution. Our lawyers rank among the top specialists in Romania....more

Despre noi


Constantinof si Asociatii - partner together with Kensington Communication, Sebastian Bodu - Vice President of the Juridical Committee of The European Parliament and The Money Channel in organizing the conference "Impact of the European Politics on Romanian business environment"... more

Echipa noastra

Our team

...Our team of lawyers is young, thus enjoying the advantage of flexibility and rapid adaptability. In the same time their strong expertise offers the guarantee for succeeding in the mission of always providing ingenious and inspired solutions to the clients' multifaceted legal problems...more

Centru de expertiza

Practice areas

Constantinof si Asociatii is one of the successful providers of legal services on the specialized market, its lawyers being renowned for their experience and successes accumulated during the years. The results obtained by our lawyers recommend us to represent clients in the following areas of practice ... more

European Lawyers, Solicitors and Law Firms based in Europe
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